How do you put into words 28 years of beautiful artistry and commitment to the community? A Theatre Conspiracy without Tim Carlson at the helm is hard to imagine, as he has been a steadfast champion of so many successful artistic careers and has left us with massive shoes to step into. After a thoughtful, intentional and gradual three-year transition, we begin our first year post succession this fall. We find ourselves reflecting on what we wish to carry forward; Tim’s sharp artistic eye, creating countless productions that challenge the status quo and reaffirm the importance of experimental theatre in Vancouver's landscape, his unequivocal commitment to emerging artists, and his unwavering support for the indie arts community.
Tim’s artistic achievements are too many to list, but it is worth remembering and celebrating a few highlights.
In his early years at Conspiracy, Tim and co-founder Richard Wolfe paved the way for ground-breaking new international plays to be in direct conversation with local Vancouver audiences and artists. Early successes at Theatre Conspiracy included interpretations of acclaimed plays from around the world; ranging from Jezz Butterworth’s Mojo, to Joe Penhall’s Blue / Orange, and the North American premiere of Nobel Laureate Gao Xingjian’s post-Tiananmen reflection, Fugitives, and later first English-language translation of Heiner Müller’s Macbeth: nach Shakespeare.
Tim is an exceptional playwright, curator and leader. When Theatre Conspiracy started creating and producing Tim's own original work, a new artistic vision of the company began to crystallize. Success of his plays Omniscience, Extraction, Foreign Radical and Victim Impact established a reputation for innovative work in Vancouver and abroad and empowered the company to grow and build a system for artists to flourish in. Tim’s work has been published and has toured extensively; notably Omniscence in Berlin, Magdeburg, Lisbon and Chicago, and Foreign Radical in five cities nationally as well as six cities internationally! Extraction won the Rio Tinto Alcan Award 2013 and Foreign Radical won the Jessies' Critic's Choice Innovation Prize in 2015.
In addition to creating new work, Tim started an Artistic Associate program that helped launch the careers of artists who have become vibrant members of our local and national community. Starting off with James Foy and Quinn Harris, and followed by artists Including Milton Lim, Aryo Khakpour, Jeremy Waller, Tanya Marqurardt and of course ourselves, Gavan and David. Tim also co-founded/produced/curated the highly successful Club PuSh (2009-2016) at the PuSh International Performing Arts Festival, in which the company commissioned over 20 new performances. He collaborated with Progress Lab on the wildly successful HIVE events as well as contributing to its namesake studio space in East Vancouver.
“I've had the honour of both experiencing and witnessing the effects of Tim's generosity and support firsthand. This organization's legacy lives on in so many wonderful people because of the time, care and interest that Tim has shown in them. I have so much gratitude, respect and admiration for Tim, and have much excitement for the next chapter, both for him and for the company.” - Chelsea Macdonald, Board President
Middle photograph: two generations of Theatre Conspiracy leadership from left to right:
Tim Carlson, Gavan Cheema, David Mesiha, and Richard Wolfe.
“I first met Tim Carlson fresh out of university at Kafka, a former coffee shop on Main street, which is now a Mexican restaurant. In Tim I found the most exceptional mentor and friend, and in Theatre Conspiracy I found the most profound sense of belonging; a place which wholeheartedly supported my artistic and personal growth and development. My success as an emerging artist is in direct correlation with the unwavering confidence Tim had in me and my artistry. I am forever grateful that he pushed me to start writing Himmat, a project that wouldn’t have made it past the first draft without him.” - Gavan Cheema
Some parting words from our fearless leader:
"I’m enthused to return to an independent artistic practice after leading Theatre Conspiracy – my creative home – for decades. The company certainly offered a satisfying mix of risk and reward but now it’s inspiring to switch things up. To make a good living exploring my interests in writing and playmaking with talented colleagues who share a taste for adventure has been my great fortune. Over the past 25+ years there was an enormous collective local energy and vision that expanded the Vancouver indie theatre scene and brought it prominence globally. Being part of it was exhilarating and illuminating. It’s gratifying that the powerhouse duo of David Mesiha and Gavan Cheema chose to take the company forward into a new era. I’ve no doubt the best is yet to come. Mentoring them over the past three years as they began their work as artistic directors was a productive and meaningful way to make an exit. There are so many people I want to thank for their talents, wisdom and support over the years. I’ll make a point of doing that as we move toward Theatre Conspiracy’s AGM a few weeks down the line!”
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all that you’ve done and all that you continue to do as you move forward in your artistic journey.
With Gratitude,
David Mesiha & Gavan Cheema